Almost half a century of marriage

Today is my parents’ 46 th wedding anniversary. I know. Forty six years is a long time. When I came along they had already been together 9 years, had 2 boys, and had separated at least once. I think most of us know being married is not easy. I am sure at one time or another we all thought it was a natural and easy thing. Let me rephrase that. Some of us might have thought at one point in time that being married was natural and easy – if we are lucky. I consider myself blessed in many areas of my life. But I honestly believe that where I caught the biggest break was being born into this family and everything else stems from there. You see, I am one of those lucky people that can remember the blissful time when I never questioned the institution of marriage, the conventional family and all that jazz. It was the way things were, it was natural, meant to be, easy. The tricky thing is that I remember, more ...