It's a girl!

Yes, folks, yesterday Michael and I found out that in fact we are having a girl. I am very upset about this, because everyone knows little girls belong to their dads. It is not fair... after all my cats have already abandoned me for Michael, now this... Of course I am kidding. I found the whole thing comical yesterday. Especially the part where I have to watch my husband struggle with the news. Anyone that knows Michael knows that he will be completely taken by a baby girl, but he doesn't seem to know that yet. Thank God for the technology because he has 22 weeks to get used to the idea. After all, we watched "Bend it like Beckham" last weekend (which he had not seen before) and towards the end was very emotional stating that if we had a little girl she would watch this movie as soon as she was old enough to follow it. Girl power all the way! But I digress... I was ecstatic, because my doctor is awesome. He is so into babies ...