Pregnancy... baby blog
OK, so I want to warn those of you who are not interested in all this to skip this blog entry. I understand there are some out there who are not too interested in the whole "creating life" thing. For me, it consumes me for obvious reasons. I am now 22 weeks pregnant. My due date is March 5th for those of you who can't do math or don't care to... but I feel strongly that I will have a February baby. I write this as I watch the Georgia Florida's not going too good... I tell you this because it is my intention to post some pictures, and even though I am huge, I am currently wearing non pregnancy clothes. OK, so it's a GA T shirt and sweats but still: Go me! Not very attractive, I know... My first trimester felt a little like torture. I realize I am very lucky that I only threw up once towards the end of the trimester. However, I was nauseous all the time. ALL THE TIME! For the men out there, or the women who have ...