Life with Sofia...after 2 months.
My friends, my beautiful daughter is now over two months old. It is insane how time flies when you have a kid. Which is to say when you are sleep deprived and unbelievable tired. Don't get me wrong, having her is worth being exhausted. As Michael told his friend Gus: "Pick a cliche, they are all true." I'm just trying to explain why blogging has not been a priority for me. This blog entry will serve as an update for family and friends; so be warned, it might get mushy. For the first month after Sofia Carolina was born, my mommy was here to help, which allowed me to enjoy being a mommy without too much stress. The only real stress came when she had her colic episodes. I don't know if any of you have taken care of a colicky baby. It is the most stressful thing I have experienced in my life. Maybe it's because I'm a new mommy,but your child crying and screaming uncontrollably is a bit much. Google videos of it if you haven't....