
Ahhhh, the 70s. I love my brothers. I do. When I look back at my life it is hard to imagine my life without them. Of course, I am the youngest and so they have always been there. Kano was an only child for seven whole years! Lucho was the baby for a year and a half! I was born with two brothers and would not have any other way. It was not always that way. There were many times when I wondered why I couldn’t have a little sister. Someone younger than me to torture as Lucho tortured me. Or maybe we could trade him for girl? J I say this now because I am sure there were many times as kids when he was stuck with his wimpy nerdy sister that he wished to trade me in for a little brother; and because after years of wishing for a sister I feel blessed to have brothers instead. I’m a guy’s girl. I have always been better in a circle of guys and I know it’s because I had them with me all through my life. It...