Post Maria Puerto Rico

La isla de los ratones June 2017/June 2018 I’ve been digesting how to describe what I saw when I was in Puerto Rico this time around. My first visit to the island since Maria was 9 months after the disastrous storm crossed it. If Puerto Rico were the United States, the storm entered through Florida and came out through Washington State. Think about that for a second. The island is only 100 miles by 35 so that means there was not an area that went untouched by the storm. However, my hometown sits where California sits so it suffered less than most. It’s hardly something to celebrate when to get there you must drive across the island and see the blue tarps. Lots of things are different while at the same time – everything is the same. It is hard to put into words when you drive by the spot where you held your rehearsal dinner and it is no longer there. Swallowed by the ocean, or a blown away by the wind. When you fly...