Puerto Rico is quaking

If you have not been paying attention, I do not blame you. There have been so many weather stories lately that it is hard to focus. The news is overwhelming. Most people get stuck on one news source they like and that is all they look at. We are all guilty of it. I do it too. But if that one news source has limited time or resources, stories get missed. It seems to me that we only have time for one major weather story at a time. With winter storm Isaiah, and the Australia fires, only people with ties to Puerto Rico seem to be paying attention to what is happening down there. I read today a volcano eruption is eminent in The Philippines. Weather stories are exhausting us all, and I fear it is only going to get worse. But people need to know Puerto Rico has been quaking for 16 days and counting. Well, the earthquake swarm (as it is apparently called) is worse than Maria. https:/...