It has been almost two weeks since I have been home. I wish I could say I hate it, but I don't. I don't love it either though. It is great not having to get up and go somewhere I hate every morning, that's for sure. But I feel a little bit useless. I have been working for a long time and not earning any money makes me uneasy. Michael has been great about it, but you know he wants me to contribute financially (as much as he loves $). He is happy with Suzie H. Maker making his lunch and dinner and taking care of him, who wouldn't?
The problem is there is not many exciting things to discuss here since I am home mostly. Unless anyone wants to discuss health care reform, or the odds of Israel striking Iran ( I watch a lot of news programs).
This week I went to Atlanta to see Tammy and to see Gus, and Miguel and Liz. I also had my monthly bookclub, which gave me a chance to see the lovely ladies. Other than that Mike and I have been working on the movie collection. So we went from "A bug's life" to "A Fistful of Dollars" to "A Midsummer Night's Dream" to "A Streetcar Named Desire". Nice huh?
With apologies to my dad and Juancho, I am not crazy about the spaghetti western. Clint Eastwood grew up to be a great director, and he was quite the looker in his day, but this is not my genre. I asked Michael how long the movie was and he said it was almost three hours. It was only one hour and forty eight minutes- but it felt like three hours... He claims he got confused because "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" is almost three hours. We have that one in our collection too so I checked and he is right. I am not looking forward to more of this... He will pay for it when we watch "Beaches"- but that is over twenty movies away. All other movies have been enjoyable, even if "Streetcar" always depresses me. Next movie "Airplane!" followed by Disney's "Alladin". Fun!
The blog is called country rican so I decided to add something country here.

Yes, this is a sweet potato Michael brought home to me the other day. Next to his cell phone so you can get the idea of how big it is. The Elbert County Fair is next week, you guys think we should submit it for a prize?
The problem is there is not many exciting things to discuss here since I am home mostly. Unless anyone wants to discuss health care reform, or the odds of Israel striking Iran ( I watch a lot of news programs).
This week I went to Atlanta to see Tammy and to see Gus, and Miguel and Liz. I also had my monthly bookclub, which gave me a chance to see the lovely ladies. Other than that Mike and I have been working on the movie collection. So we went from "A bug's life" to "A Fistful of Dollars" to "A Midsummer Night's Dream" to "A Streetcar Named Desire". Nice huh?
With apologies to my dad and Juancho, I am not crazy about the spaghetti western. Clint Eastwood grew up to be a great director, and he was quite the looker in his day, but this is not my genre. I asked Michael how long the movie was and he said it was almost three hours. It was only one hour and forty eight minutes- but it felt like three hours... He claims he got confused because "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" is almost three hours. We have that one in our collection too so I checked and he is right. I am not looking forward to more of this... He will pay for it when we watch "Beaches"- but that is over twenty movies away. All other movies have been enjoyable, even if "Streetcar" always depresses me. Next movie "Airplane!" followed by Disney's "Alladin". Fun!
The blog is called country rican so I decided to add something country here.

Yes, this is a sweet potato Michael brought home to me the other day. Next to his cell phone so you can get the idea of how big it is. The Elbert County Fair is next week, you guys think we should submit it for a prize?
the good, the bad and the ugly is the best of those. and even at 3 hours long it's really good. u might enjoy that one. lmao...elbert county fair..u might win something that's a hell of a sweet potato.