Sunday in Georgia

Michael and I wanted to go out and do something this Sunday. Get some fresh air, see some fall color, maybe get a hike in. I would have been content to go to Watson's Mill (which is about a 15 minute drive away). Michael, however, has been wanting to go to Toccoa and maybe see Curahee Mountain (of Band of Brothers fame). So we hit the road towards the Georgia mountains. This picture was taken in the parking lot of the Curahee Military Museum. It was quite interesting. We found out that Curahee Mountain is out of the way and only 1740 feet high, so we changed our mind after the museum and headed for Tullulah Falls and try and get a hike in.

Tallulah Gorge, for those who don't know, is a magnificent two mile deep canyon. The fall color is pretty impressive, there is a great big waterfall, lots of hiking trails, one includes a suspension bridge. If you want to see more pics, go to my facebook page, I will post them all today. We got there at 4 pm or so, so we needed to take a shorter hike in the interest of time. We started down the trail, which was very similar to the one we did in Amicalola Falls where we got engaged (see facebook album formore on that trip ) It was all fun and games. It was also pretty crowded. The scariest part should have been the suspension bridge. Getting down there is only around 600 steps- less than half of Amicalola Falls hike we did before. I'm telling you this because when I hiked the 2,000 steps of Amicalola, I was a little chunkier (about 12 pounds chunkier) and it was a rainy day. I felt like I was having a heart attack that day, but I went all the way up and down, got my diamond ring, and had a grand all time.

We went to th
e suspension bridge, got across and started on continuing on a longer trail on the other side. I made Michael stop and told him we needed to go back. I was too tired, and was thinking about the 600 steps up. Michael said Ok, a bit reluctantly because he does not like to do anything halfway. However, it was close to 5 pm and he is a good man. I once hiked close to two miles uphill on a sprained ankle without complaints- so I have earned his trust when I say I need to head back.

What happened next was scary and unexpected. We made it halfway up the steps and I needed to sit down for I was feeling faint. When I say faint, I mean I was pale as a ghost and sweating. I actually had to bend over the rail and puke. That was a first for me. We had a backpack with water so I gathered myself somewhat and kept going up. We made it to the information center where I could sit down. I felt like I should go to the bathroom, splash some water on my face, so I did. Once in the bathroom, I truly almost fainted. If it had not been for this very nice woman who was waiting for a stall to open up with me, I probably would have hit the ground. She took one look at me and said "Hold on to my arm sweetie". I did. Everything went black and I could not speak. She was asking me questions and I was answering with nods because the words would not come out. She walked me into a stall, where I could sit down and the color returned as well as my vision. God bless her where ever she is, whoever she is.

Sorry there are no pictures. It is proof that Michael loves me that it didn't occur to him to take pictures until we were in the car on our way back. I had a lot of water on my way back, and we stopped for ice cream too. Anyway, this is the reason my legs hurt, and they hurt very badly. I do not know if what happened was a sign of severe dehydration, or if I just didn't eat enough before the hike. I know I am in bad shape, but the pain in my legs, two days after is insane. It really hurts to walk. Perhaps Nisha or Janice can shed some light on this?

Anyway, the drive is over an hour back to Elbert County, so I was feeling much better by sundown when we were back. Michael took me on a pit stop, which is appropriate for upcoming Halloween. There is a road in Elbert County which is said to be haunted. Now, we didn't see any ghosts, but it was still light out. It's called Brickyard Road and it is on the other side of the tracks (literally, I don't think there is too much symbolism to it). The road turns into a dirt road that is straight out of a horror movie, and it is surrounded by a swamp land. Who knew Elbert County had a swamp?

Anyway, the legend says if you stop at the bridge late at night (or maybe it's at midnight?) evil spirits will come out of the swamp. Here are some pics of it:
Michael says he did stop on the bridge at night on a date when he was in high school and no spirits came out. I want to go on Halloween night and see what happens. I am a little afraid of running into my former students dressed up and high, so we probably won't. If we do, I will let you know.

Happy Halloween!


  1. I thought the story was going to end with the picture of a positive pregnancy test. Have you had one BTW?

  2. No! What does that have to do with the pain in my legs?

  3. mija...mira ver....that did not sound cool at all. lol. sry. tell u what...i love that suspension bridge. used 2 go there a lot with tri and the kids. tri was afraid of it. she crossed it once on her hands and que cobarde. hope u feel better.

  4. Puede que no tenga nada que ver con tus piernas, pero podria explicar el almost fainting. Pero si me preguntas mi opinion profesional, y realmente no es una posibilidad que estes embarazada, te diria.... que no tengo idea. Podria ser deshidratacion... pero no te duraria por tantos dias si has estado reemplazando liquidos. Ve a tu doc si sigues asi.


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