Giving thanks

Thanksgiving is the best holiday this country has. There are no gifts to be given, no religious exclusivity connected to it, it revolves around food and more food, and it mostly involves being with family and being grateful. What is wrong with that? Nothing.

Now of course, there is the history of genocide against the Native Americans... and then there is the Bart Simpson thanksgiving blessing Michael likes to say: "Dear God, we paid for all this food, so thanks for nothing." But lets let that go for now.

So Michael and I celebrated out first Thanksgiving as husband and wife on Wednesday. We had a delicious 14 lbs. turkey, candied sweet potatoes, baked russet potatoes with cheese and some asparagus. It was all very yummy. Ah! Strawberry cake and Pinot Grigio too. We will be eating leftover turkey until Christmas. Last night, we had the Davis family thanksgiving, with Michael's dad's side of the family at Aunt Valgene's house. It was nice, Aunt Valgene is now the family matriarch after Mama's passing- and she is a good one. Tomorrow is the Bailey family reunion, where Michael's mom's side of the family gets together. It will be fun. There will be a silly string fight. And puppies.

I am thankful for many things this year. I am thankful for my very funny and loving husband. I am thankful for my kitty kats, and my simple life in the country. I know I mock it often, but there is beauty in the simplicity of this country living. I am grateful to my in laws- who let us live next door rent free, and to Michael for being such a good sport when I quit my job.

I am thankful for my great friends and family, and for Linda, Russ, Meredith, Andrea, and Camila. They are the next generation of our bloodline and make us proud while scaring the shit out of us everyday.

And of course, I am grateful for my health, and Michael's health. And I am really grateful that we get to keep our health since Michael finally agreed to turn on the heat when the thermostat went below 60 this morning.

Happy holidays everyone!


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