It's a girl!

Yes, the Rican Goddez is producing her second little goddez.  I wanted a boy, because I wanted to experience one of each.  But, alas, the universe decided I should have another girl.

I am truly blessed to be pregnant for the second time.  I am grateful that my old eggs are still working, and that Michael's old boys can still swim.  The most important thing is that the doctor has said she looks very healthy, and that so far at fifteen weeks she seems fine from everything he can tell from an ultrasound.

There are mixed feelings because Michael and I had discussed only having two, so there is a sense of loss of what we will not get to have. Michael told the doctor that Sofia was so perfect he was worried about the second one having to live up to her.  I worry about it too.  The sibling rivalry between two kids less than 2 years apart of the same sex can be intense. Then again, I say I want a boy because I grew up with brothers and I am not too girlie.  But I probably would not know what to do with one. I can't remember the last time I changed a boy diaper, or took care of a boy.  I had three nieces then Sofia, what do I know about boys really?

There are so many positives to focus on.  I always wanted a sister growing up and never had one. Of course later I was grateful for my brothers and would not change them for anything.  It warms my heart to think that Sofia gets to have a baby sister, a playmate and a partner in crime.  Michael only has a sister, I only have brothers.  It will be nice to see same sex siblings growing together, sharing everything (whether they like it or not).

I feel a little sad for the little one though.  Having to get hand me downs is never fun but inevitable.  I had the problem of going to school a year behind my brother and having teachers compare me all the time to him, but I guess that is going to happen no matter what.  I'm excited to see how different they will turn out, how their personalities will be similar and different from one another.

As Michael said, she will be the baby and that will be something no one can take from her.  Our secretary had to remind me that little girls are their daddy's.  And so now I worry that baby girl will leave me for Daddy as Sofia is already doing.  Yes, she will literally get up from my lap to sit in his.  And apparently he reads the books better than I do too.  Oh well, such is the life of a mother of girls...Maybe this one will be mine, even if she is daddy's girl.

Sigh! I can see it now.  Michael sitting in the living room watching TV or trying to read a book, with one girl on either side of his lap, one cat on either foot, while I watch with envy from the kitchen eating double stuffed Oreos.


  1. Congrats on dos ninas!!! It's going to be a blast watching them grow and getting them together with our two boys. I love you both:) Pagina

  2. I am so happy for you guys!!!!


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