Two years! Really?
I thought about blogging about motherhood today. So much to say, so much to do...I sit down and knock the dust off the laptop, open the blogspot and see I have not blogged in two years! And the last time was for mother's day in 2013! I sit and read what I wrote two years ago. Holy cow! That was a hard time. I look around at my life now and I think, it is not that bad. Not at all. Do not get me wrong, it is always a little hard, but nothing like it was around that Mother's Day - the first as a mother of two. I say this now for all of my newly mother-of-two out there: it does get easier.
A lot has not changed: still running a business during the busy season, still raising two little ones, still living next door to the in-laws, but everything is easier, perhaps because it was so hard in the beginning. Sofia is now 4 and fully potty trained. Savannah is almost 2 and 1/2 and we are actively potty training her now. They share a room which is a wreck. A WRECK! Most days I don't care. I am too tired to keep it clean. They sleep through the night, they are not getting sick all the time, they are healthy, active kids who adore each other. Maybe they watch too much TV, but they also run outside, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and love books so I pick my battles.
I look back to early motherhood and I am amazed at how easy and simple it seems now. When Sofia was born my mom stayed with us until she was a month old. My friend Page and I took her to the airport in Atlanta with Sofia (1 month old) and Collin (6 months old). After dropping her at the airport Page and I went to a Mexican restaurant with our babies to get "chipped up" and I sat there and cried. I was tired, and sad, and overwhelmed, and scared. Pretty quick after that we got into a routine the three of us (Michael, Sofia and I) and it all seemed so silly. Fast forward almost 2 years and there we are again. Michael, Sofia and I taking my mom to the airport after our second, Savannah, was a month old. No tears, but still scared. Holy crap! It's two on two and as our dear friend Curt Smith told us when we were pregnant with Savannah: "Two parents and two kids is not a fair fight. The kids will win everytime." No joke. Savannah's colic kicked in. Sofia started getting sick a lot. We had a terrifying month until my brother came and suddenly it was 3 on 2 and we could get things under control. It was unbelievably difficult that spring, but ever since then we have gotten our groove on and we got this.
Michael and I are parents of two kids less than two years apart. We run a small business that thankfully is growing, but it is as much work as raising a family and that is all we do. Every once in awhile we find a perfect crazy balance between family and business. Michael has a meeting at a conference in Ft. Lauderdale? Let's pack up the van and drive down there with the kids, visit Gus and Nisha, go to the beach, have the business meeting and a great family adventure at the same time. We drove 12 hours with two small kids and no electronics. The kids had books, markers, toys and snacks. I only remember one melt down that was insane, but we played "Let it go" from Frozen a few times in a row and they calmed down. The business meeting was a success too.
While we were in Florida Nisha asked me what I did other that business and babies. Nothing. Every once in awhile I have child less date with Michael. We watch a lot of movies when we get the kids to bed. But honestly there is no time and/or energy for much more but that is OK. It is temporary and we know it. We already see them playing together in their room and forgetting about us. It won't be much longer and things will change forever. Sofia starts Pre-K in the fall. Before we know it they will be living their own little seperate lives and we will both be wishing for a time when they needed us more. OK, I will be wishing for it, Michael might be celebrating. Although I think he will have a harder time with Sofia starting school than I will.
It's Mother's Day. Michael is at work. Sofia is at church with her grandmother. Savannah is watching Team Umizoomi and I am clicking away drinking coffee. Each of us in our own little world. The house is a mess but it will be 90 degrees this afternoon and I think we will blow bubbles outside this. Chill. It is Spring time afterall. No need to stress it.
More Sundays like this and maybe I can get to blog again in 2015.
A lot has not changed: still running a business during the busy season, still raising two little ones, still living next door to the in-laws, but everything is easier, perhaps because it was so hard in the beginning. Sofia is now 4 and fully potty trained. Savannah is almost 2 and 1/2 and we are actively potty training her now. They share a room which is a wreck. A WRECK! Most days I don't care. I am too tired to keep it clean. They sleep through the night, they are not getting sick all the time, they are healthy, active kids who adore each other. Maybe they watch too much TV, but they also run outside, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and love books so I pick my battles.
I look back to early motherhood and I am amazed at how easy and simple it seems now. When Sofia was born my mom stayed with us until she was a month old. My friend Page and I took her to the airport in Atlanta with Sofia (1 month old) and Collin (6 months old). After dropping her at the airport Page and I went to a Mexican restaurant with our babies to get "chipped up" and I sat there and cried. I was tired, and sad, and overwhelmed, and scared. Pretty quick after that we got into a routine the three of us (Michael, Sofia and I) and it all seemed so silly. Fast forward almost 2 years and there we are again. Michael, Sofia and I taking my mom to the airport after our second, Savannah, was a month old. No tears, but still scared. Holy crap! It's two on two and as our dear friend Curt Smith told us when we were pregnant with Savannah: "Two parents and two kids is not a fair fight. The kids will win everytime." No joke. Savannah's colic kicked in. Sofia started getting sick a lot. We had a terrifying month until my brother came and suddenly it was 3 on 2 and we could get things under control. It was unbelievably difficult that spring, but ever since then we have gotten our groove on and we got this.
Michael and I are parents of two kids less than two years apart. We run a small business that thankfully is growing, but it is as much work as raising a family and that is all we do. Every once in awhile we find a perfect crazy balance between family and business. Michael has a meeting at a conference in Ft. Lauderdale? Let's pack up the van and drive down there with the kids, visit Gus and Nisha, go to the beach, have the business meeting and a great family adventure at the same time. We drove 12 hours with two small kids and no electronics. The kids had books, markers, toys and snacks. I only remember one melt down that was insane, but we played "Let it go" from Frozen a few times in a row and they calmed down. The business meeting was a success too.
While we were in Florida Nisha asked me what I did other that business and babies. Nothing. Every once in awhile I have child less date with Michael. We watch a lot of movies when we get the kids to bed. But honestly there is no time and/or energy for much more but that is OK. It is temporary and we know it. We already see them playing together in their room and forgetting about us. It won't be much longer and things will change forever. Sofia starts Pre-K in the fall. Before we know it they will be living their own little seperate lives and we will both be wishing for a time when they needed us more. OK, I will be wishing for it, Michael might be celebrating. Although I think he will have a harder time with Sofia starting school than I will.
It's Mother's Day. Michael is at work. Sofia is at church with her grandmother. Savannah is watching Team Umizoomi and I am clicking away drinking coffee. Each of us in our own little world. The house is a mess but it will be 90 degrees this afternoon and I think we will blow bubbles outside this. Chill. It is Spring time afterall. No need to stress it.
More Sundays like this and maybe I can get to blog again in 2015.
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