
Here’s the thing: my head still hurts. I do my best not to complain too much. The reality is that in the last 2 months I have had maybe 3 migraines that made me want to take a pill for it and lay down. There have been a couple of times when I took two Ibuprophen PM and called it a night. For the most part it is business as usual. What choice do I have? As an update, in late May the headache sort of went away. It was gone most of June and July. I went to Puerto Rico for 9 days and only had a headache once. I went to Columbus Ohio for 4 days and didn’t get much of a head ache. (Good thing too, because just me and the hubby with customers and no kids = a lot of alcohol.) June, July and August my headache started a couple of days before my period. So I went to see my Ob/Gyn and he said the same thing that the eye doctor and dentist: “Not me.” Sigh. I go for a follow up with the Neurologist this Thursday. ...