My Tribe

Sebastian Junger wrote a book called “Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging”. If you haven’t read it I highly recommend it. One of the points he makes is how trauma unifies people. How when something terrible happens to a group of people, they are unified by the feeling of tribalism that is present in all humans. He supports this with evolutionary theory, sociology, psychology, and just personal anecdotes from his time spent in war zones. The classic example is New York after 9/11; how crime rates dropped and how the city became warmer. On 9/11/01 I was living on an Army base in Germany and I experienced this first hand. Americans, especially those with military ties, were treated with a deference that was hard to describe. TSA agents in airports would thank me for my service and sacrifice (I was then a Military wife). I saw the memorials in Paris and in different German towns where the locals were pouring out to show their su...