
I was 7 years old when my parents decided to move us to Puerto Rico.  It was June.  One brother turned 9 that July, one turned 16 that August.  It was without question the hardest decision my parents had to make for their family - and without a doubt the best one.  The difference in upbringing between one child and the other two is staggering.  I won’t dwell on that right now because that is not my focus.  My focus here is that I am Puerto Rican.  Yes, both my parents are from there.  But I was born in New York City.  I never tell people I am from New York.  I am FROM the island.  That little piece of land is in my heart because that is where I grew up.  Where I came of age.  First album purchased.  First date. First concert. School graduations. My life story started there and nothing will ever change that.  It doesn’t matter how many turns my life has taken (and there have been quite a few) I am Puerto Rican first.  All politics aside, that is my truth; that is your truth; that is everyone’s truth.  You are from the place you formed, not where you were conceived or born, not where your heritage comes from, but where you were at home when all those critical life events that happen from ages 8 or 9 until you are an “adult” in the eyes of the world.  So, I am Puerto Rican.  New York is where I was born.  Georgia is my chosen home as an adult.  I am from Puerto Rico.

Those DACA kids… they are American.  Their parents made a decision for them just like my parents made it for me.  Politics aside, those parents did something unbelievably brave.  They said “We are going somewhere else so that your life can be better” just like my parents did for us.  And you know what?  It was.  Has it been easy?  Absolutely not.  Did my brothers and I have a “caught between two cultures” upbringing? Definitely.  Would we change it?  Not for a billion dollars (a million isn’t what it used to be). I don’t want anyone to read this and say “Well your parents didn’t break the law.”  Because if breaking the law is what it would have taken for them to give us the gift they gave us, I am absolutely sure that they would have.  As a parent, I don’t give a rat’s ass about the law over my kids’ wellbeing.  And if you cannot understand the level of sacrifice and love that those parents felt and the bravery of what they have done, I honestly do not want to know you. What would stop you from saving your kid’s life?  And do not kid yourself, because for some of these people that was the choice they faced.

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the shoes of another.  Maybe it is easy for me because I know what it is like to be the underdog. And I will forever be able to put myself in someone else’s suffering space.  I feel sorry for every one out there who is unable to understand this.  I pity the fools (pun intended) who are so full of hate that they can look at a 21 year old who has no real memory of anywhere but here and say “go back to where you came from”.  Go where?  Again, when I was 21 I was graduating college in Mayaguez, something I seriously doubt would have been as easy had I been in the South Bronx.  If someone had told me then “You have to go to the South Bronx because that is where you are from” I would have been terrified, and rightly so. Does this sound ridiculous to you?  It should, because it is. 

The sight of President Trump is revolting to me for many reasons. I had originally set out to further explain this past sentence, and redacted it on hubby’s advice. Putting that aside for a minute let us focus on what he has just done here.  For years these brave kids have been coming out of the shadow that is the life of an undocumented immigrant and said “Here I am”.  They have stepped up and said “Hey, I didn’t choose to be here but here I am.  What do you need me to do? I will do it.”  And they have.  Most of them are working or going to school.  They understand what is at stake.  The government told them “come forward and we will give you a shot.” And so they did.  They gave their address, finger prints, their blood… do you understand this?  800,000 people voluntarily went into the USCIS and said “take my biometrics, sure”. Can you imagine how terrified these people are now?  All reports indicate that ICE agents have become “more aggressive” under Trump.  Could you sleep at night knowing you gave them everything they need to hunt you down?

And now the president is saying “I do not give a shit”.  It doesn’t surprise me because it has been obvious for a long time that the president cares only about himself and his self-interests. But this amounts to Lucy pulling the football from under Charlie Brown.  What is worse is he is so completely spineless that he does not take a stand on the issue.  We hear over and over “he is not a policy guy”, a euphemism for intellectually lazy.  Or “he really doesn’t have a firm ideology”, another euphemism for his caring about nothing but his own ego. I have seen him say “We love the dreamers” before.  We all know his words are meaningless because he contradicts himself all the time.  What matters is action. 

His actions say he is coward.  He cares nothing about these kids, the precedent, the presidency, or ramifications of his actions in the future.  He cares about his base and he doesn’t want to offend them.  Therefore, he punts.  He gives the program 6 months for congress to fix it or it is dead.  OK.  You mean the same congress that has passed nothing in the last 8 months?  All of a sudden they are going to fix this problem?  The people, most of whom are facing reelection in 14 months?  I know he hopes they fix it, I mean…he is human, right?  But he is too chicken shit to say so. He is incapable of taking a stand.  I would respect him more if he just said “I’m ending it” because at least then these kids could know where they stand.  But he can’t fix it because that would piss off the racists who LOVE him.  He can’t just stop it because the business community would turn on him, that’s tricky too.  So he puts it on the group of people who for seven years promised to repeal and replace Obamacare and have a majority in both houses but still can’t pull it off. Those people!

He is a coward.  Those DACA kids have more bravery in their pinky finger that this man. He didn’t have to do this.  This is a decision because a handful of Attorneys General and senators threatened to sue over this.  Everyone knows he’s a tough talker, unless it means angering his base (that 24 % is all powerful).   

If you want to know more about DACA here is what they say at the Pew Research Center about it:

Here is what CEOs say:

I will leave you with this: 800,000 mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, students and soldiers, employees and friends.  This guy said it better than I can:


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